Add Worksheets to Excel via VBA
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To explain this first you need to know about a sheet type that is a chart. However, we can only nominate a Before or After Variant, or omit the Argument altogether. Otherwise, it's always good idea to qualify ranges to sheets, and sheets to workbooks, etc. The first Sub does not declare a worksheet object.
The fringe case would be, if this procedure is somehow invoked while ThisWorkbook isn't active, and the ThisWorkbook is e. Excel assigns index values to workbooks as you open them. These names are also displayed in the VBA Editor.
Add new worksheet with name - If you do not supply any arguments to the Add function then the new worksheet will be placed before the active worksheet.
If you want to know how to do something quickly then check out the below. If you are new to VBA then this post is a great place to start. I like to break things down into simple terms and explain them in plain English without the jargon. You can read through the post from start to finish as it is written in a logical order. If you prefer, you can use the table of contents below and go directly to the topic of your choice. Note: I use Worksheets in the table below without specifying the workbook i. Worksheets rather than ThisWorkbook. This is to make the examples clear and easy to read. You should always specify the workbook when using Worksheets. Otherwise the active workbook will be used by default. Add Add worksheet to first position left Worksheets. Count Add multiple worksheets Worksheets. Activate Copy Worksheet sh. Copy Copy after a worksheet sh1. Delete Delete Worksheet without warning Application. Name Next i Loop through all worksheets For Each Dim sh As Worksheet For Each sh In Worksheets Debug. Name Next Introduction The three most important elements of VBA are the , the Worksheet and. Of all the code your write, 90% will involve one or all of them. The most common use of the worksheet in VBA is for accessing its cells. You may use it to protect, hide, add, move or copy a worksheet. However, you will mainly use it to perform some action on one or more cells on the worksheet. Using Worksheets is more straightforward than using workbooks. With workbooks you may need to open them, find which folder they are in, check if they are in use and so on. Accessing the Worksheet In VBA, each workbook has a collection of worksheets. There is an entry in this collection for each worksheet in the workbook. This collection is simply called Worksheets and is used in a very similar way to the Workbooks collection. To get access to a worksheet all you have to do is supply the name. Public Sub WriteToCell1 ' Write To cell A1 In Sheet1,Sheet2 And Sheet3 ThisWorkbook. This means it can only be made visible by the code. If you still have issues then use one of the loops from section to print the names of all worksheets the collection. Using the Index to Access the Worksheet So far we have been using the sheet name to access the sheet. The index refers to the sheet tab position in the workbook. As the position can easily be changed by the user it is not a good idea to use this. The following code shows examples of using the index ' Using this code is a bad idea as ' sheet positions changes all the time Public Sub UseSheetIdx With ThisWorkbook ' Left most sheet Debug. Name ' The third sheet from the left Debug. Name ' Right most sheet Debug. Name End With End Sub In the example above, I used Debug. Print to print to the Immediate Window. Each worksheet has a sheet name and a code name. The sheet name is the name that appears in the worksheet tab in Excel. Changing the sheet name does not change the code name meaning that referencing a sheet by the code name is a good idea. If you look in the VBE property window you will see both names. In the image you can see that the code name is the name outside the parenthesis and the sheet name is in the parenthesis. You can change both the sheet name and the code name in the property window of the sheet see image below. If your code refers to the code name then the user can change the name of the sheet and it will not affect your code. In the example below we reference the worksheet directly using the code name. Public Sub UseCodeName2 ' Using the code name of the worksheet Debug. Code Name in other Workbooks There is one drawback to using the code name. It can only refer to worksheets in the workbook that contains the code i. However, we can use a simple function to find the code name of a worksheet in a different workbook. Name End Sub ' This function gets the worksheet object from the Code Name Public Function SheetFromCodeName Name As String, bk As Workbook As Worksheet Dim sh As Worksheet For Each sh In bk. There is another way of getting the sheet name of an external workbook using the code name. You can use the VBProject element of that Workbook. You can see how to do this in the example below. I have included this for completeness only and I would recommend using the method in the previous example rather than this one. The Active Sheet The ActiveSheet object refers to the worksheet that is currently active. You should only use ActiveSheet if you have a specific need to refer to the worksheet that is active. Otherwise you should specify the worksheet you are using. The next example shows code for updating ranges of cells. The first Sub does not declare a worksheet object. The second sub declares a worksheet object and the code is therefore much clearer. Public Sub SetRangeVals Debug. So in this section, I am going to break it down into simple terms 1. If you want to use whichever worksheet is currently active then use. If the worksheet is in the same workbook as the code then use the. If the worksheet is in a different workbook then first get workbook and then get the worksheet. If you do not supply any arguments to the Add function then the new worksheet will be placed before the active worksheet. If you want to change the name then you can easily do this using the Name property. Add ' Set the name of sheet sht. You can also specify the exact position to place the worksheet. To do this you need to specify which worksheet the new one should be inserted before or after. The following code shows you how to do this. Delete Excel will display a warning message when you delete a worksheet. If you want to hide this message you can use the code below Application. The following example shows how an automation errors occurs sh. Delete ' This line will give Automation error Debug. Name If you assign the Worksheet variable to a valid worksheet it will work fine sh. Name Loop Through the Worksheets The Worksheets member of Workbooks is a collection of worksheets belonging to a workbook. You can go through each sheet in the worksheets collection using a Loop or a Loop. The following example uses a For Each loop. Lets take it one step further. Lets access all worksheets in all open workbooks. Note: If you use code like this to write to worksheets then back everything up first as you could end up writing the incorrect data to all the sheets. Public Sub AllSheetNames ' Prints the workbook and sheet names for ' all sheets in open workbooks Dim wrk As Workbook Dim sht As Worksheet For Each wrk In Workbooks For Each sht In wrk. Name Next sht Next wrk End Sub Using the Sheets Collection The workbook has another collection similar to Worksheets called Sheets. This causes confusion at times among users. To explain this first you need to know about a sheet type that is a chart. It is possible in Excel to have a sheet that is a chart. Now you have a workbook with sheets of type worksheet and one of type chart. It does not include sheets of type chart. There are two code examples below. The first goes through all the Sheets in a workbook and prints the name of the sheet and type of sheet it is. The second example does the same with the Worksheets collection. To try out these examples you should add a Chart sheet to your workbook first so you will see the difference. Public Sub CollSheets Dim sht As Variant ' Display the name and type of each sheet For Each sht In ThisWorkbook. Conclusion This concludes the post on the VBA Worksheet. I hope you found it useful. The three most important elements of Excel VBA are , Worksheets and. These elements will be used in almost everything you do. Understanding them will make you life much easier and make learning VBA much simpler. Free VBA Tutorial If you are new to VBA or you want to sharpen your existing VBA skills then why not try out the. Related Training: Get full access to the. NOTE: Planning to build or manage a VBA Application? Get the Free eBook Please feel free to subscribe to my newsletter and get exclusive VBA content that you cannot find here on the blog, as well as free access to my eBook, How to Ace the 21 Most Common Questions in VBA which is full of examples you can use in your own code. In the time between my query and your answer I did find a way except a bit longer than what you have suggested. Hi Paul, I am really really really thankful for your very informative, didactic and amusing posts. I have learned a lot since I began to read and rewrite your code, while adding slight changes and experimenting. Hallo Paul, your whole site is the mandatory start lane and pit stop for every vba writer. As a test, I renamed a sheet from each workbook with the same codename. Do you know how I can prevent the module from running in the wrong workbook? Thanks, Chris Upon further testing regardless of the other workbooks codename if it was active my module would write to it. I changed the codenames to differ and I had the same results; even if the other workbook was an xlsx file the module still wrote to it. This prevented writing to the other workbook even if I clicked on it during runtime. As a result, excel or vba reads it like ActiveSheet.
OzGrid is in no way associated with Microsoft Some of our more popular products are below. CodeName programmatically if you would rather. Name ' Right most sheet Debug. The first Sub does not declare a worksheet object. Do you have a clue what is happening, or what I am doing wrong. Feedback Buttons provided by - Copyright © 2018 DragonByte Technologies Ltd. Value End If End If Next Ki End Sub Last edited by Ingolf; Oct 27th, 2014 at 07:08 AM. As with workbooks, each time you use VBA to add a new sheet, the newly added sheet automatically becomes the active sheet. Figure B Take advantage of ThisWorkbook's flexibility when you need to refer to the workbook running code when the active workbook isn't the workbook running code.